Thursday, 28 March 2013

Sing a rainbow

Today the group started the lesson by warming up with a dance designed to stretch out the muscles in the upper body.
Stretching our upper bodies
Then the group practiced their Makaton signing rainbow song where we are including signs like this one;
Sign for yellow
Made 2 Dance contiued with learning their Rainbow song choreography which incorporates movement  Makaton signing. The idea was to learn the Makaton signing which we learnt a few weeks ago and adapt and change the signing by enhancing the movement and making it bigger so they could perfrom for the Wizard of Oz. Made 2 Dance repeated the dance and also broke down the movement very slowly to encorage the group to improve their movement memory. The Diverse Dance teachers ensured that everyone was able to demostrate the dance and tested the group in smaller groups to perfrom to each other. The Diverse Dance Teachers also think its really important to swap the lines of people so everyone gets a chance to stand at the front, they rotate the lines to make sure that everyone can see the teachers and also a great way for the young people to improve their confidence and it not be the same people always standing at the front of the class.

Once the group had the Rainbow song choreography set in stone we finished the last section of the rock n roll dance which was a great way to finish the term with lots of leap frogging and flips.

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