Thursday, 10 October 2013

Save the date

Made 2 Dance have come back to the dance session with a great energy and focus and each week have been concentrating on thier show. We can finally announce the date YEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!! The how will be on Friday 22nd November and will be taking place at Elm Green School They have a beautiful state of the art Theatre and we everyone is super excited to have a date in the diary. So watch this space for more information

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Last practice before the Lambeth Country Show performance on Saturday!

Today was the final chance to rehearse our dance before the Lambeth Country Show on Saturday,

The practice went well and we are all ready for the performance on Saturday, where we will be performing at the Cultivate Participation Marquee at 12pm! See you there!<

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Rock and roll speed

At the start we were copying  Jo and Andrea copying the rainbow dance with stretches as our warm up.

We then started practising our rock and roll dance routine which uses this music:

We are getting faster at our routine and everyone has improved their dance routine.

We finished our lesson with everyone practicing the rainbow dance

I  enjoyed  the rock and roll dance the most this evening.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

practicing solos

The group started with a warm up lead by one of the members.
After everyone was warmed up they practiced there rock and roll finale, even though it needs more rehearsal it is beginning to come together as a routine. 

Each member then practiced their solo for the show, these include Dorothy, Cowardly Lion, Tin man, Scarecrow, The Wicked Witch of the West and The Wizard of OZ.

Everyone has done well getting into character and they are working extra hard on their routine .
one of our group members updating the blog

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Rainbow practice makes perfect!

Made 2 Dance started today's sessions talking about Rathbone's annual Fun Run which will be held at Brockwell Park, Lambeth on Saturday 25th May 2013. Check our Rathbone's website for more information, Rathbone fun run 2013 . Rathbone are looking to gain donations for more information on how to make a donation click here -  Make a donation!!!!

After finding out about the Fun Run, the group practiced their 'Rainbow Song' in preparation for the performance which is still being planned...
The group worked hard at staging the performance and sorting out the running order of the piece. The members experimented with different floor patterns and developed their duets.

The group are becoming more confident in performing the routine and remembering all the moves!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

April 17th 2013 - first session back after Easter break - dance and routine practice

At the start of the session we did a warm up to get our blood flowing, stretch our muscles and heart rate going.

We began to practice our wizard of oz  routine in which we concentrated on our rainbow routine.

At the end end of the session we practiced our amazing finale!

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Sing a rainbow

Today the group started the lesson by warming up with a dance designed to stretch out the muscles in the upper body.
Stretching our upper bodies
Then the group practiced their Makaton signing rainbow song where we are including signs like this one;
Sign for yellow
Made 2 Dance contiued with learning their Rainbow song choreography which incorporates movement  Makaton signing. The idea was to learn the Makaton signing which we learnt a few weeks ago and adapt and change the signing by enhancing the movement and making it bigger so they could perfrom for the Wizard of Oz. Made 2 Dance repeated the dance and also broke down the movement very slowly to encorage the group to improve their movement memory. The Diverse Dance teachers ensured that everyone was able to demostrate the dance and tested the group in smaller groups to perfrom to each other. The Diverse Dance Teachers also think its really important to swap the lines of people so everyone gets a chance to stand at the front, they rotate the lines to make sure that everyone can see the teachers and also a great way for the young people to improve their confidence and it not be the same people always standing at the front of the class.

Once the group had the Rainbow song choreography set in stone we finished the last section of the rock n roll dance which was a great way to finish the term with lots of leap frogging and flips.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

That hand first

First the group went through their warm up, one member describes: I  move  my hand  and  foot  now.

We worked on improving our co-ordination to become better dancers by focusing on using opposite arms and legs at the same time.

The group then worked on their finale for the upcoming performance of The Wizard of Oz. This particular dance incorporates a lot of rock 'n' roll movements, which are fast and exciting to do and watch! It also involves a lot of pair work so the dancers can work together and learn new skills

The dancers learnt some new moves and improved their co-ordination individually and in pairs and practicing the finale of the next show has got all the dancers really exciting about performing again.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Signing the night away

Rathbone Made 2 Dance Group came in with lots of great energy for the class today and were extremely focused. The group took part in a rigourous warm up that got their hearts pumping to the sounds of remixed Wizard of Oz songs. Made 2 Dance then worked in partners and took it in turns to mirror each others movement. The aim of this is to improve their memory technique and also engages co-operation, concentration and imagaination. The group had to really develop using their hands and motifs using just their arms and feet. This really tested some of the young people as the temptation to use their feet was very strong. After the break we sat down to listen to the Teachers recent trip to Leicester, she talked about her going to the National Networking Day for Dance, Deaf and Disabled People which was run by Foundation for Communty Dance. Andrea one of theTeachers from Diverse Dance Studios was really impressed by some of the talks and got some inspiration for the group. Andrea wanted to share the work of Mark Smith who runs Deaf Men Dancing Company and the group watched a Youtube clip of one of his workshops to get some inspiration.The group then learnt the Makaton signing for The Rainbow Song. Which was then extended and developed into a dance that the group will be perfroming for their next show.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Filming our support

Rathbones dance group wanted to show there true colours, funny side support and talents to red nose day. The group spent the evening practising the routine ready to be filmed. The group put on their smiles and their red noses to support Comic relief. Rathbone  and Made 2 dance have decided to give their sub money to show their support to comic relief and they hope it goes towards helping other people. The video will be up soon for you to look at so watch this space

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Rock n Roll the night away

Tonight was Made 2 Dance first week back after half term, the group enjoyed the first half of the session giving feedback from their most recent theatre to trip to see the pantomime version of Wizard of Oz. Which lead to some great discussion and ideas for the group. Made 2 Dance are getting very excited about their production, in fact the young person that is playing Dorothy brought in her shoes she brought from the internet to show the group, they were all very excited.
Aren't they just beautiful
We then shifted our focus to something slightly different and the group have decided to do a funny dance and video for Comic Relief. Made 2 Dance teachers taught the group some Rock N Roll. There was certainly lots of laughing, spinning, sliding, lifting and clapping. The group LOVED doing Rock N Roll. Its amazing how much fun it is. So make sure you watch our Video Clip which will hopefully be up just in time for Comic Relief. Make sure you get your red nose!!!!

Follow the yellow brick road.....

Last week during the half term holiday Rathbone went on a trip to Catford Broadway Theatre to see The Wizard of Oz,  created by Blue Star productions in a pantomime version of the musical. We met at Rathbone Office in West Norwood and made our way to Catford. It was a bitterly cold day but the group were in good spirits and looking forward to a trip to the theatre. We managed to get a quick bite to eat and made our way to our seats. The theatre was full of other schools and youth groups cheering and singing along to the music. Rathbone got involved with the singing  and certainly made their voices heard with the hissing and booing at the wicked witch of the west. The Lion, Tin Man, Dorothy and Scarecrow made their way to the Wizard of Oz with some great choreography and use of lighting. The production really inspired the group and many of them said they are looking forward to creating Made 2 Dance version. So watch this space......................

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Dancing Wizard

Here is a message from Made 2 Dance group -The studio has a new sprung dance floor and its great to dance on it makes dancing much easier. Today we danced to the Wizard of Oz song " Follow the Yellow brick road" We all worked and danced together as a team. We all worked very hard. We are working towards The Wizard of Oz for our next show.Before we did the choreography we practised the skipping routine in pairs up and down the studio. That was then used in the routine later on in the class.  At the start of the class we received a letter about our trip to Catford, Broadway theatre. We are looking forward to this show, its gonna rock!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Welcome to Rathbone's new dance blog!

 Made 2 Dance chose to perform extracts from their previous sell out show 'Planet Diverse'

 Made 2 Dance managed to pull in the crowds and The Lambeth Country Show.

Made 2 Dance showing their moves and performing at The Cultivate Stage in Brockwell Park September 2012
One of Made 2 Dance using their dance skills to pull in the crowds at The Lambeth Country Show

The Land

Some of Made 2 Dance were involved with 'The Making Space Project' at Siobhan Davies Studios and were invited to perform along side 40 other young people.

Some of Made 2 Dance were involved with Siobhan Davies Studios commissioned choreography called 'The Land' at Morden Hall Park in the summer as Part of Big Dance 2012.
Ratbone and Diverse Dance Studios would like to introduce to you Made 2 Dance