Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Rehearsals continued...

Rehearsals for the diverse Christmas carol are in full swing this evening.

First the group had a meeting to discuss our progress and to talk about the upcoming technical and dress rehearsals at the Lost Theatre. Everyone got the opportunity to ask any burning questions and we discussed costumes. 

We also discussed rules to follow during the rehearsals and the show to ensure that everyone behaves appropriately. 

Then we got straight into rehearsals practicing Bollywood and South Anerican dances.

It's shaping up to be a great show on the 6th December so don't forget to get your tickets at the Lost Theatre in Vauxhall or call the box office on 0207 720 6897 or buy online at


Wednesday, 19 November 2014

A Diverse Carol- The rehearsals

A Diverse Carol is going to be a journey through a variety of diverse cultures but with a Christmas twist.

One member of the group explains that 'rehearsals are going really well and everyone is working hard to remember their parts'

 Here the group are practicing some moves inspired by Bollywood, which is just one of the cultures represented within the show.

You will also see dances inspired by African, Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian, North American and Indian cultures. This is not a show to miss!

For info on dates, times and how to get hold of tickets just check the poster below.