Thursday, 18 September 2014

Lambeth Country Show - Showreel

Made to Dance made another great impact over the summer with their end of term show at Lambeth Country Show.

The choreography was choreographed by the young people and inspired by a poem about Rain. Here is a some of Lambeth Country Show highlights - see if you can spot some of Made 2 Dance in the show reel, can you see them?

Made 2 Dance - Summer of perfromances

Made 2 Dance had a great summer of performing

We kicked started the performances with our involvement with Big Dance Festival with an exciting project that involved us performing as part of the Routes To The River which was commissioned by Sioibhan Davies

Routes the the River was a playful journey of performances from Siobhan Davies to the Southbank Centre as part of Big Dance 2014 on Sunday 13th July. Audiences were provided with a specially illustrated map and led along a winding route through spaces and discreet spaces around the gardens at Kennington Park. The audience met various dance groups around the site specific promenade that explored water and our relation to it and the patterns it creates. The piece was choreographed by Henriatta Hale and the audience were invited to contribute to Your Move, Siobhan Davies Dance photoblog - please click performance here for more info